A daily commitment at Novae

In the community catering sector, occupational health and safety are key issues. At Novae, we are committed to our clients and employees to equipping our teams with the essential skills and tools to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

As our employees work in a variety of structures – companies, schools, healthcare facilities – we have a rigorous and proactive approach to enable us to respond effectively to the specific requirements of each of these environments.Since 2020, Novae has been certified by internationally recognised safety standards: ISO 45001.

Occupational health and safety: the Novae vision 

A safety officer on each site: local monitoring

For each client site, we have a dedicated safety officer who ensures daily monitoring and adapts safety protocols to the specificities of each location.

Continuous awareness: informing to better prevent

Prevention is at the heart of our safety policy. Throughout the year, we conduct internal awareness campaigns to remind our employees of the importance of preventive measures.

Regular training for teams ready to act

Our employees benefit from continuous training, both practical and theoretical, on key aspects of safety at work, such as:

  • handling equipment,
  • gestures and postures to prevent injuries,
  • first aid,
  • food safety,
  • cybersecurity,
  • healthy nutrition (less salt, less sugar, balanced meals).

These training courses prepare them to react quickly and effectively to various situations, so contributing to everyone’s safety.

Novae innovation: training using virtual reality: For the practical aspect, we have developed a virtual reality training module in collaboration with the HumanTech Institute in Fribourg. This module allows our employees to train in realistic situations, while remaining in a completely secure environment.

Occupational health and safety: a strong commitment

An annual day dedicated to safety

Every year, we organise a day dedicated to occupational health and safety. This day brings together our safety officers and managers around practical workshops, discussions with experts, and the definition of future objectives in terms of safety and well-being at work. Topics include:

  • support from our safety officers and the measures in place
  • psychosocial risk management,
  • use of first aid kits,
  • promoting a caring environment at work.
  • and defining future health, safety and well-being objectives at work

Taking care of the mental and physical well-being of our employees

The well-being of our employees goes well beyond physical safety. We work with a specialised organisation, recognised worldwide, to offer an employee assistance programme, accessible anonymously and confidentially. This programme offers:

  • individual consultations with occupational health professionals,
  • managerial advice to support our teams,
  • solutions for a better work-life balance.

A dedicated tool

Our internal platform allows direct and transversal communication between teams, with a flow dedicated to discussions on occupational health and safety (OHS). It also offers access to a toolbox containing all available documentation.

Interview with Christophe Robert – Operational and OHS Director

A commitment to the future

By investing in the safety and well-being of our employees, we not only strengthen the quality of our services, but we also create an attractive working environment for the best talents.

Peace of mind and enhanced safety. As trusted partners, we guarantee that our teams respect the highest safety standards in their establishments.