Let’s talk nutrition with Irène Rolfo, Nutrition manager and dietician
So many qualities!
Often hyperlocal and available in every season, eggs can be adapted in every version to all situations. You find them in most of the world’s cultures, and they are especially appreciated by sports enthusiasts for their characteristics. In fact, eggs contain all essential nutrients to the human body — with the exception of vitamin C, which is provided by raw vegetables.
Weighing in at 50 gm, an egg can satisfy any appetite. Multiplied by 3, it becomes the protein portion for an adult’s meal. Despite its animal origins, it’s always welcome in vegetarian dishes, as it balances vegetable proteins. But that doesn’t make it… a chick!
What is it about eggs?
Bold yet discreet, they’re the ones we think we could easily forget but are often found where we least expect them — since they even hide in pasta and in certain kinds of cheese!
We’ve blamed them for many things, but science has finally acquitted them of any wrong doing. High cholesterol is no longer a problem because, if you’re in good health, you can eat eggs every day.
And they do not cause digestive problems. Your tolerance will depend on the cooking method, and on the other ingredients, used in your recipe. Toddlers are sometimes allergic to them, however, but this usually doesn’t last for long and rarely beyond the age of 3.
Their ecological score is higher than that of tofu and cheese, but lower than that of meat and fish. They’re generous, but inexpensive. Because they’re compatible with a variety of leftover meals, they’re “anti-gaspi.”
Both white and in a variety of colors, they have become indispensable. Once laid, they can be kept at either room temperature or in the fridge, depending on circumstances, for up to 28 days! And they’re the ones you’ll be hunting for at Easter — sure to delight all gourmands, since they even come in chocolate and nougat versions.
Did you know?
The “picnic” egg — a hard-boiled and colorful egg that keeps at room temperature — is a Swiss specialty. Eggs are used in a wide range of sweet and savory dishes, including pancakes, omelettes, waffles, clafoutis, cakes, etc., and can be served fried, hard-boiled, scrambled, soft-boiled or even “parfait” (as a “perfect” egg).
An egg is said to be “perfect” after more than 30 minutes in water at 64 degrees.